We are very excited to announce that we are going to be holding a Book Fair in school on Friday, run by Books for Bugs. The Book Fair will open from 1.15pm on Friday for children to visit with their classes. All books will be priced at £3 each and are available to take away on the day. Parents/Carers are also invited to visit the fair with your children after school. If you would like your child to have the opportunity to purchase a book during the afternoon, please send in £3 in on the day in a named, sealed envelope. Many Thanks

Growth Mindset

We Are Champions!
At St. John's C of E we know that pupils who have a positive attitude towards their learning will make good progress and be successful. Consequently, instilling all our pupils with 'growth mindsets' is a key priority to embed within our school ethos. 
We aim to nurture a growth mindset culture at St. John's. We want all our pupils to relish challenges and embrace mistakes. As part of the learning process, we value the importance of effort, responding carefully to feedback and taking inspiration from others. 
Developing children to become confident and resilient learners 

We know that in order for our pupils to fulfil their potential we need to encourage them to become confident and resilient learners by modelling the mindset of a learner who is not afraid of making mistakes but who thrives upon them, knowing that this is part of the learning process.

The way in which we encourage children to learn and explore is vital to their success, not only at school but at home as well.

At St. John's, we consistently endeavour to challenge and develop the attitudes of all pupils and staff by considering what makes a successful learner and how we can positively approach challenges inside and outside the classroom. 

Image result for growth mindset fixed mindset

The following videos explains the concept of growth mindset in more detail:
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Key aspects of growth mindset at St John's Academy:

  • We celebrate making mistakes – we can learn from them;
  • We never give up – perseverance is the key if we are to succeed;
  • We learn from each other;
  • We don’t compare ourselves with others;
  • We challenge ourselves and take risks;
  • We remember that our brains are growing all the time.

For further information on how to encourage confident and resilient learners at home, have a look at some of the links below.




                    Perseverance          Respect          Forgiveness          Truth          Aspiration