Term 2 Finishes at 1.15pm on Friday 20th December. We would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and we will see you for Term 3 on Monday 6th January 2025

Pupil Premium

The government introduced the Pupil Premium Grant in April 2011. The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools and is clearly identifiable. This funding is additional to the main school budget and is seen by the government as the best way to address inequalities, for children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and for Service Children, by ensuring that funding is in place to support disadvantaged pupils. 
Schools decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.
At St. John’s Church of England Academy we support all our pupils by providing high quality teaching, supplemented by interventions to support learners as and when required. The academy's leadership team and the governing body monitor the impact of spending of the Pupil Premium and interventions.

Pupil Premium is allocated to the school that the pupil is recorded as attending in the January School Census each year. 


There are four elements to Pupil Premium:

Pupil Premium Category£ per pupilData source to inform 2020/21 pupil premium
1. Free School Meals (FSM) – Ever 6
Pupils aged 4 and over in NCY R to 6.

Pupils on roll in the Jan 2020 School Census Ever 6: recorded as eligible for FSM since May 2014 as well as those in Jan 2020
2. Post Looked After Arrangements
(previously ‘Adopted from Care’)
£2,410 Pupils on roll in the Jan 2020 School Census
3. Children in Care
in care for at least one day during the year ending March 2020
aged 4 to 15 at 31 August 2019
£2,410 Pupil recorded on relevant Local Authority Children Looked After Return (SSDA903) completed by Children Services.
4. Service Children – Ever 6
Pupils aged 4 and over in year groups reception to year 11, or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence
£320 Pupils on roll in the Jan 2020 School Census Ever 6: eligible for the service child premium since Jan 2015 census as well as those recorded as a service child in the Jan 2020 census
Recovery Premium
A one-off recovery premium from the government as part of its package of funding to support education recovery. It builds on the pupil premium to help schools deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting disadvantaged pupils.
School allocations will be calculated on a per pupil basis:
£145 for each eligible pupil in mainstream education.
The Pupil Premium Plan is reviewed by the Pupil Premium Governor and by Governors through the Finance and Resources Committee and reported upon at the Local Governing Board.
                  Perseverance          Respect          Forgiveness          Truth          Aspiration