We are very excited to announce that we are going to be holding a Book Fair in school on Friday, run by Books for Bugs. The Book Fair will open from 1.15pm on Friday for children to visit with their classes. All books will be priced at £3 each and are available to take away on the day. Parents/Carers are also invited to visit the fair with your children after school. If you would like your child to have the opportunity to purchase a book during the afternoon, please send in £3 in on the day in a named, sealed envelope. Many Thanks

Number Facts and Times Tables

Learning maths facts is a vital part of a child’s mathematical development. Once rapid recall of these facts becomes possible, a whole host of mathematical activities will seem easier. Children need to be able to recall addition and multiplication facts in any order and also to derive associated subtraction and division facts. The expectations for each year group are set out below:
Year 1 and 2: Addition facts to 20 and x10, x5 and x2 tables.
Year 3: x3, x4 and x9 tables.
Year 4: x6, x7, x8 tables.
Year 5 and 6: All multiplication tables to x12, and associated, division facts.

By the end of Year 4, pupils should have memorised their multiplication tables up to and including the x12 multiplication table and show precision and fluency in their work.

Please see a list of useful websites below for opportunities to practise recall of multiplication table facts:









                    Perseverance          Respect          Forgiveness          Truth          Aspiration