Spelling lists will be sent home. Please support your child in learning these words. There are many methods to use at home: the basic strategies of ‘sounding out’ using phonics and look, cover, write, check work for many learners. However, you may also wish to try some of these approaches:
- For 'tricky' words, think about shape and size of the word.
- Break words down into syllables, e.g. re-mem-ber.
- Use a mnemonic, e.g. necessary: one collar; two sleeves.
- Say words as they sound/in a funny way, e.g. Wed-nes-day.
- Encourage the children to find words within words, e.g. parliament: I AM parliament.
- Sing it!
The following apps can also be used to liven up learning spellings:
- Squeebles Spelling;
- Spell with Pip;
- Phonics Play;
- Mr Thorne;
- Pop words;
- Word Bingo.